
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

TouchOSC iPA Version 1.7.4

TouchOSC  iPA Version 1.7.4
TouchOSC  iPA Version 1.7.4

TouchOSC is a modular OSC and MIDI control surface for iPhone / iPod Touch / iPad.

It supports sending and receiving Open Sound Control messages over a Wi-Fi network using the UDP protocol and supports both CoreMIDI and the Line 6 MIDI Mobilizer interfaces for sending and receiving MIDI messages.

The application allows to remote control and receive feedback from software and hardware that implement the OSC or MIDI protocols such as Apple Logic Pro/Express, Renoise, Pure Data, Max/MSP/Jitter, Max for Live, OSCulator, VDMX, Resolume Avenue 3, Modul8, Plogue Bidule, Reaktor, Quartz Composer, Vixid VJX16-4, Supercollider, FAW Circle, vvvv, Derivative TouchDesigner, Isadora and many others.

The interface provides a number of different touch controls to send and receive messages:

- Faders
- Rotary controls
- Encoder controls
- Push buttons
- Toggle buttons
- XY pads
- Multi-faders
- Multi-push
- Multi-toggles
- Multi-xy
- LEDs
- Labels
- Time & battery displays

Additionally the program can send Accelerometer data. The application comes with example default layouts and completely custom layouts can be constructed using the free TouchOSC Editor application.

Please go to for more information, video demonstrations and download the free layout editor application for OS X, Windows and Linux.

If you like TouchOSC, check out SonicLife, another OSC-enabled controller application by hexler.
What's new in Version 1.7.4
- Added Multi-Toggle "exclusive" mode, forcing only one toggle control to be active at all times
- Added Multi-XY control for sending up to 5 touch-points simultaneously
- Added loading and optional up-scaling of iPhone layouts on iPad
- Added different color display of disabled connections on settings screen

- New control: Multi-Push
- New control: Encoder
- Added setting of control position with OSC messages:
/control/position/x, /control/position/y
- Added setting of control z-order with OSC messages: /control/position/z
- Added setting of control width and height with OSC messages:
/control/size/w, /control/size/h
- Multi-Toggle controls now allow multiple touch input
- Corrected sending/receiving of MIDI Program Change messages via
CoreMIDI connections
- Corrected order of MIDI z-message sending for all controls
- Corrected rendering of Push controls to match editor preview
- Corrected rendering of LED controls to match editor preview

- Added "Double-tap pages" option to prevent accidental switching of pages
- Renamed "Double-tap lock" option to "Double-tap settings"
- Corrected handling of OSC color change messages for LED controls
- Corrected order of OSC z-message sending for Push and Toggle controls
- Fixed an issue where Multi-controls with custom OSC addresses would not receive messages
- Fixed an issue where Multi-controls would still react to input when invisible
- Fixed an issue with sending of z-messages for Multi-controls
- Fixed an issue where Label and LED controls would react to input after changing visibility
- Fixed a timeout issue when downloading large layouts from the editor

- Fix for custom OSC addresses

- CoreMIDI support (iOS 4.2 or greater)
- Line 6 MIDI Mobilizer support
- New control: Time display
- New control: Battery charge display
- Rotary controls now show initial position marker
- Raised MultiFader limit to 64
- Improved multi-tasking support
- Various bug-fixes

Please download the updated TouchOSC Editor to be able to configure MIDI mappings and use the new controls. Also available is an updated package of default layouts with added MIDI mappings:

- Bug-fixes and stability improvements

- Support for iTunes File Sharing: Layouts can now be managed via the USB-cable connection using iTunes
- Basic multi-tasking support
- Multiple controls with the same custom OSC address now receive the same message
- ControlPush and ControlToggle now turn on for any received value greater than zero
- Added z message sending to all controls
- Fixed a bug where it wasn't possible to enter a custom editor host address
- Various minor bug fixes
- New icon

- Support for Apple Logic Pro/Express (version 9.1.2 or higher)
- New Layouts: LogicTouch, LogicPad
- "Local feedback off" option for push and toggle controls

- Graphics updated for iPhone4 Retina display
- Fixed a bug where controls with custom OSC addresses did not receive color or visibility change messages

- Relative response mode for Faders, Rotaries
- Custom value range for all controls
- Rotary control inverted mode
- XY control inverted X and Y modes
- MultiFader* controls are now multi-touch
- Color can be set remotely with OSC, example: "/1/fader1/color red"
- Visibility can be set remotely with OSC, example: "/1/fader1/visible 0"
- Bonjour service is now announced as "<device name> [<device model>] (TouchOSC)"
where device model can be: "iPad", "iPhone" or "iPod touch"
- New color: Orange

iPA size 0.7 MB
REQUIREMENTS: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 3.1.3 or later

Downlaod HERE

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