
Sunday, February 19, 2012

[APP][2.2+][19/02] Timetablr 0.8.2 - High School Scheduler APK

[APP][2.2+][19/02] Timetablr 0.8.2 - High School Scheduler APK [APP][2.2+][19/02] Timetablr 0.8.2 - High School Scheduler APK [APP][2.2+][19/02] Timetablr 0.8.2 - High School Scheduler APK
Timetablr is an app that does one simple thing - store a school timetable and display it. I've never found any decent apps for displaying my school timetable on my phone, so I thought I ought to make one myself. Hopefully, I did a decent job, and I thought others might find it useful. It's my first Android app, so forgive me if it's too basic and slightly rubbish. I hope to make more, better apps in the future, and if you like this one, expressing such through the Android Market's ratings system would be most appreciated.

Timetablr doesn't currently have any extra features - it's just a timetable. You can edit it once you've finished, and clear the data through settings, but that's about it. I plan to add a notification and perhaps a widget in the future, but for now, at least, it's very basic. I tried to make the setup process as simple and easy as possible, but accounting for all possibilities made it rather a longer process. It took me 20 minutes or so - but I'll never need to carry my paper timetable again.

It's optimised for ICS as much as possible (it uses Holo.Light and is hardware accelerated, not that it's got much to accelerate), but unfortunately isn't yet tablet-optimised.

New - 0.8.2:
- Doesn't show week number if there's only one week
- Reverted to dark theme for pre-3.0 devices
- Fixed a bug with the edit menu that occurred in very rare circumstances

Any good? Ideas for features? Bug reports? I'd love to see what people think of it.

Download Link:

Click link HERE

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